About the Water Systems Analysis Group

boats on a lake

About Us 

The Water Systems Analysis Group (WSAG) is located within the Earth Systems Research Center (ESRC) in the Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space (EOS) at the University of New Hampshire. We maintain strong collaborations with other departments at UNH, including the Departments of Natural Resources and the Environment, Earth Science, Environmental Engineering, as well as researchers distributed around the country. In understanding the environment as an integrated system, WSAG explores the physical, chemical and biological processes that shape hydrological systems, with emphasis on the unique role of humans as agents of change.

Our research and educational programs cross the boundaries of traditional scientific disciplines to foster interdisciplinary understanding of environmental change. Through field monitoring, whole ecosystem experiments, novel in situ sensor deployments, and dynamic hydrological and ecosystem modeling, we attempt to understand hydrological and biogeochemical dynamics at scales ranging from individual ecosystems, to whole river systems, to the global systems of inland waters. Built on strong collaborations that are national and international in scope, our group also serves as a teaching platform for the next generation of ecosystem and earth system scientists.

Water Systems Analysis Group

Richard Lammers
Wilfred Wollheim

Research Staff:
Steve Frolking
Stanley Glidden
Danielle Grogan
Gopal Mulukutla
Alex Prusevich
Alexander Shiklomanov
Rob Stewart
Claire Treat
Shan Zuidema

Graduate Students:
Daniel Bolster
Chris Cook
Andrew Robison
Chris Whitney

  • 2016-2022 - NSF-LTER LTER-Plum Island Ecosystems: Dynamics of a coastal ecosystem in a region of rapid climate change.
  • 2016-2018 - EPA Estimating Spatially Explicit Water Quality Benefits throughout River Systems: Development of Next Generation Stated Preference Methods Using National Probability Samples and Online Labor Pools. (Lead PI at UNH with Rob R. Johnston).
  • 2014-2017 - NH AES Are all non-point sources created equally? Understanding the role of landscape heterogeneity and nutrient retention processes in agricultural and suburban lands of Sea Coast NH.
  • 2016-2021 - DOE A Multi-Model, Multi-Scale Research Program in Stressors, Responses, and Coupled Dynamics at the Energy-Water-Land-Nexus.
  • 2016-2019 - NSF INFEWS Program Social-ecological-technological solutions to waste reuse in food, energy, and water systems (ReFEWS).
  • 2016-2019 - NASA HiMAT Program High Mountain Asia and Beyond: Regional Changes in Climate, Glaciers and Water Resources.
  • 2016-2018 - USDA Global Diets & Impacts.

  • 2013-2016 - NSF EPSCoR Track 2, with University of Maine Collaborative Research: Strengthening the scientific basis for decision making: Advancing sustainability science and knowledge-action capacities in coupled coastal systems (w/J. Nisbet, PI).
  • 2013-2015 - University of New Hampshire Baseline quantification of the magnitude and timing of non-point nitrogen fluxes in the Oyster River and its impacted tributaties.
  • 2012-2016 - NSF LTER LTER-PIE: Interactions between External Drivers, Humans and Ecosystems in Shaping Ecological Process in a Mosaic of Coastal Landscapes and Estuarine Seascapes.
  • 2012-2014 - NOAA NH SEAGRANT Understanding the Mechanisms Controlling Storm Event Nitrogen Fluxes from the Lamprey River Watershed using Continuous in situ Sensors.
  • 2012-2013 - NSF EPA ULTRA EPA ULTRA Climate Project.
  • 2011-2016 - NSF EPSCoR Track 1 Interaction Among Climate, Land Use, Ecosystem Services and Society.
  • 2011-2014 - NH AES Scaling the Impact of Agricultural Activity on Water Quality through Time and Space in the Great Bay Watershed.
  • 2011-2015 - NSF Macrosystem Biology Collaborative Research: Stream Consumers and Lotic Ecosystem Rates (SCALER): Scaling from Centimeters to Continents.
  • 2011-2014 - NSF EaSM Type 2: A Regional Earth System Model of the Northeast Corridor: Analyzing 21st Century Climate and Environment.
  • 2010-2012 - NSF LTER Plum Island Sound Comparative Ecosystem Study.
  • 2010-2013 - EPA STAR Consequences of Global Change on Water Quality: Impact of Climate Change and Variability on the Nation's Water Quality and Ecosystem State.
  • 2009-2012 - NSF Chemical Oceanography ETBC: Collaborative Research: Controls on the Flux, Age, and Composition of Terrestrial Organic Carbon Exported by Rivers to the Ocean.
  • 2009-2012 - NSF CSAS Collaborative Research: How Does Changing Seasonality Affect the Capacity of Arctic Stream Networks to Influence Nutrient Fluxes from the Landscape to the Ocean?
  • 2009-2013 - NASA NEWS Tracking Dissolved Organic Carbon and Its Absorption Characteristics Along the Aquatic Continuum Over Time Using a Remote Sensing Based Approach.
  • 2007-2011 - NSF DEB-Coupled Human Natural Systems Suburbanization, Water-Use, Nitrogen Cycling & Eutrophication in the 21st Century: Interactions, Feedbacks & Uncertainties in a Massachusetts Coastal Zone.
  • 2006-2009 - NSF DEB-Ecosystems Collaborative Research: Understanding the Scaling of N Cycle Controls Throughout a River Network.
  • 2004-2010 - NSF LTER Plum Island Sound Comparative Ecosystem Study.

  • Process Modeling for water-related applications 
  • Geospatial and mapping analysis 
  • Website development for geophysical applications

News Articles:

April 18th, 2017 Op-ed article published in Fosters:  Another View: The March of Science  by Wilfred M. Wollheim and Richard G. Smith.

UNH Today Stars in Their Field


2016 Christopher Whitney: EPA STAR Fellowship

DURHAM, NH - Congratulations to Chris Whitney who has won an EPA Science to Achieve Results (STAR) Fellowship for 2016. He was one of only seven chosen to receive this award in the New England States and one of only 52 graduate students nation wide.  READ MORE. 

University of Idaho - Center for Resilient Communities
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 
Stanford University - Management Science and Engineering 
Pennsylvania State University - Department of Agricultural Economics, Sociology, and Education 
US Department of Agriculture - Economic Research Service

Follow us on Twitter:  @WilWollheim