A headshot of Shan Zuidema, a research scientist with the Earth Systems Research Center.

Shan Zuidema

Research Assistant Professor
Research Scientist III
Phone: (603) 862-2706
Office: Earth Systems Research Center, Morse Hall, Durham, NH 03824

Shan Zuidema is a hydrologist developing primarily model-based analyses of human-hydrologic system interactions. Throughout his career, he has focused on issues of human contaminants affecting water resources and ecosystems, and evaluating how measures aiming to correct water resource problems can be used effectively to achieve desired ecological and resource outcomes.

Courses Taught

  • ESCI 710/810: Groundwater Hydrology


  • Ph.D., Earth System Science, University of New Hampshire
  • M.S., Hydrology, University of New Hampshire
  • B.S., Environmental Earth Science, Eastern Conn State University

Research Interests

  • Complex systems modeling
  • Environmental Justice
  • Environmental Sciences
  • Geospatial modeling
  • Hydrology

Selected Publications

  • Zuidema, S., Wollheim, W. M., Kucharik, C. J., & Lammers, R. B. (2024). Existing wetland conservation programs miss nutrient reduction targets.. PNAS Nexus, 3(4), pgae129. doi:10.1093/pnasnexus/pgae129

  • Zuidema, S., Liu, J., Chepeliev, M. G., Johnson, D. R., Baldos, U. L. C., Frolking, S., . . . Hertel, T. W. (2023). US climate policy yields water quality cobenefits in the Mississippi Basin and Gulf of Mexico.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 120(43), e2302087120. doi:10.1073/pnas.2302087120

  • Grogan, D. S., Zuidema, S., Prusevich, A., Wollheim, W. M., Glidden, S., & Lammers, R. B. (n.d.). Water balance model (WBM) v.1.0.0: a scalable gridded global hydrologic model with water-tracking functionality. Geoscientific Model Development, 15(19), 7287-7323. doi:10.5194/gmd-15-7287-2022

  • Rouge, C., Reed, P. M., Grogan, D. S., Zuidema, S., Prusevich, A., Glidden, S., . . . Lammers, R. B. (2021). Coordination and control - limits in standard representations of multi-reservoir operations in hydrological modeling. HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES, 25(3), 1365-1388. doi:10.5194/hess-25-1365-2021

  • Zuidema, S., Grogan, D., Pruseyich, A., Lammers, R., Gilmore, S., & Williams, P. (2020). Interplay of changing irrigation technologies and water reuse: example from the upper Snake River basin, Idaho, USA. HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES, 24(11), 5231-5249. doi:10.5194/hess-24-5231-2020

  • Zuidema, S., Wollheim, W. M., Mineau, M. M., Green, M. B., & Stewart, R. J. (2018). Controls of Chloride Loading and Impairment at the River Network Scale in New England. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, 47(4), 839-847. doi:10.2134/jeq2017.11.0418

  • Samal, N. R., Wollheim, W. M., Zuidema, S., Stewart, R. J., Zhou, Z., Mineau, M. M., . . . Huber, M. (2017). A coupled terrestrial and aquatic biogeophysical model of the Upper Merrimack River watershed, New Hampshire, to inform ecosystem services evaluation and management under climate and land-cover change. ECOLOGY AND SOCIETY, 22(4). doi:10.5751/ES-09662-220418

  • Drzewiecki, P., & Zuidema, S. (2007). Sequence stratigraphy of playa and perennial lake deposits, Jurassic East Berlin Formation, Central Connecticut. Northeastern Geology and Environmental Sciences, 29(1), 49-68. Retrieved from https://scholars.unh.edu/faculty_pubs/507/