From Our Director

For those who have a deep history with EOS, Convergence may conjure up fond memories of our former newsletter, Spheres. Many years have passed since we published the last issue of Spheres, and yet now more than ever it’s important to communicate and celebrate EOS accomplishments. As you read just a sampling of our recent achievements, I am sure you will agree that we should applaud the high levels we have attained because of EOS staff, students, and faculty. NSF coined the term “convergence” in 2016 when it identified “10 Big Ideas for Future NSF Investments.” By their definition, convergence research “is a means of solving vexing research problems, in particular, complex problems facing societal needs.” That concept underpins all EOS research and perhaps increasingly so with time.
Convergence brings to light EOS research — research that is driven by compelling scientific and/or societal needs. You will learn how deep integration across disciplines encompassing Earth, oceans, and space becomes a common approach in our research, another hallmark of convergence. Through the integration of knowledge, methods, and expertise from across scientific domains, EOS continuously creates the novel frameworks needed to cultivate and then advance societally important scientific innovation and discovery. Read on and enjoy!
– Harlan Spence
Director for the Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space