Data Discovery Center
The Data Discovery Center is a National Science Foundation funded digital library that provides access to a broad suite of data sets and tools generated by the New Hampshire, Maine, and Rhode Island EPSCoR programs.
Data Holdings
- Airborne Imagery (NH)
- CoCoRAHS Albedo Data (NH)
- Eddy Flux Monitoring Network (Seacoast NH)
- Fecal Bacteria Assessment (Seacoast NH)
- Great Bay Pathogenic Vibrio Environmental Data (NH)
- High Intensity Aquatic Network (NH)
- High Intensity Terrestrial Network (NH)
- LoVoTECS Network (NH)
- Maine and New Hampshire Beachgoer Survey
- Maine and New Hampshire Coastal Resident Survey
- Media Analysis (ME and NH)
- New England Dams Database (CT, MA, ME, NH, RI, VT)
- NH Water & Watersheds Survey
- Public Transmedia Storytelling

GRANIT provides a suite of geospatial services to its participating agencies as well as the public at large.