About Us
The Geospatial Science Center (GSSC) is an embedded center within Earth Systems Research Center (ESRC) at the Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space (EOS). Our mission is to study, use, and promote geospatial science applications, methods, and data to help promote the advancement of science, research, and education.
Our technical specializations fall within GIS, remote sensing, web and story mapping, spatial analysis, environmental sensor development, data visualization, and data sonification. Our research interests fall within the natural, social, geospatial, information, and perceptual sciences.
Principal Investigators:
Michael Routhier
Gopala Mulukutla
Barrett Rock
Annette Schloss
Research Staff:
Ilya Atkin
Denise Blaha
Stanley Glidden
Marty Quinn
Billy Winslow
Graduate Students:
Nicholas Arnold
Kyle Kroboth
Sara Quinn
- NSF: EPSCoR Data Discovery Center Geospatial Database Development
- NASA & NPS: Picture Post, Digital Photography Environmental Monitoring
- NEH: PLACE Geospatial Interface for Library Data Development
- NASA: Seacoast Sea Level Rise Indicator Assessment
- NH Broad Band: Ecosystem Sensor Development and Deployment
- Alaska Glacial Recession Geospatial Analysis Assessment
- UNH: UNH 150th Anniversary Historical Map Tour
- National Geographic Society: NH Seacoast Cultural Heritage
- NASA: Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates
- NASA: EOS-WEBSTER Digital Geo-Science Data Library Development
- NASA: Landsat Pathfinder Tropical Deforestation
Professional Services:
- Geographic Information Systems
- UAV and Aerial and Satellite Remote Sensing
- Web, Mobile, and Story Mapping
- Geospatial Database Design and Management
- Geospatial Science Field Support
- Environmental Sensor Creation / Deployment
- Publication Quality Cartography
- Data Visualization and Sonification
Support Services:
- Large Format Poster Printing
- Large and Small Format Digital Scanning
- GPS Loan Program (for Collaborators)
- Research Proposal Support and Technical Writing
- Geospatial Science (GSS) Graduate Education (http://gss.unh.edu)
- Geospatial Science Computer Access (Available for affiliated students and groups: Access in Room 253 of Morse Hall)
- Geospatial Science Mentoring Programs (REU, SRE, Internships, and Conferences)
- Geospatial Science Undergraduate and Graduate Student Employment
The UNH GSSC regularly collaborates with PIs, researches and staff from the UNH Earth Systems Research, the UNH Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space, various departments across the UNH campus, and researchers from many New Hampshire, and New England colleges, universities, and institutes.