Specialized Space Experience

Researcher using a screwdriver in lab on circular instrument.

Building on Specialized Space Experience

  • Decades of NASA/NOAA mission involvement by the UNH Space Science Center
    • 60+ years of space research
    • 100+ partnerships on NASA missions
  • Highly specialized expertise in space instrumentation design, build, and test for LEO, GEO, cis-lunar, and interplanetary space
  • Strength in smallsats, radiation, and space weather instrumentation

Sensor Design, Build, Test, and Calibration

World-class expertise in:

  • Star sensors
  • Magnetometers
  • Dosimeters for radiation monitoring
  • UV detectors
  • Electron and ion electrostatic analyzers
  • Time-of-flight mass spectrometers


In development: 

Color logos of in development missions.

Past successes: 

Color logos of past success missions.

More about our past and current missions