Science Data Segment Team

)Sean Bailey  GLIMR

Sean Bailey, NASA-GSFC
GLIMR Science Data Segment lead

Sean's research interests are focused on bio-optical remote sensing of the oceans. Sean has been involved with the on-orbit satellite calibration and the validation of their data products and have worked on the development and evaluation of algorithms implemented for ocean color satellite data processing, ranging from the atmospheric correction to the bio-optical models that derive geophysical products.

Bryan Franz GLIMR

Bryan Franz, NASA-GSFC
GLIMR Lead for Atmospheric Correction

Bryan's interests are in satellite remote sensing, science data processing, and data product atmospheric correction and vicarious calibration.

Ahmed Kamel - Kamel Engineering - GLIMR

Ahmed Kamel, Kamel Engineering
Ahmed is a consultant responsible for GLIMR Image Navigation and Registration (INR) System Engineering and Algorithms. Ahmed's interests include INR, Geolocation, Ground Processing, Attitude Determination and Control, Orbit Determination and Control.

Akhter Mahmud Nafi GLIMR

Akhter Mahmud Nafi, UNH
GLIMR Astrodynamics Research Scientist

Nafi is responsible for the simulation and implementation of the INR algorithms. His research interests are in Image Navigation and Registration (INR),GN&C, GEO resident space object tracking and orbit determination.