Operations Overview

GLIMR Operations Overview

The GLIMR instrument in a Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) provides continuous daytime observation capability, high spectral resolution, and high signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) across all spectral bands and a spatial sampling of 300m (nadir).

GLIMR also includes a single-band imager for Image Navigation and Registration (INR). The primary science data from GLIMR consists of high frequency ocean color imagery (up to 6 times per day during daytime hours) throughout the Gulf of Mexico (GoM).

GLIMR also acquires twice daily or more hyperspectral scans of the coastal continental U.S. (CONUS), select Caribbean regions, the Amazon River discharge region, and the South Pacific clear waters for cross-calibration with other ocean color sensors. Additionally, GLIMR is available to image extreme events occurring in the hemisphere at high temporal frequency without compromising its primary mission in the GoM.

  • GLIMR cover photo