Operation and Data Centers
The Science Operations Center (SOC) is located within the Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans and Space at the University of New Hampshire (UNH) in Durham, NH, USA. The SOC serves as the central command center for all GLIMR science operations. The SOC team is responsible for monitoring and maintaining instrument health and safety, development and testing of command uploads, and SOC network connectivity and security.
The Science Data Segment (SDS) for GLIMR is co-located with the Ocean Biology Processing Group (OBPG) at the NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, USA. The SDS serves as the science data processing and archiving center for all GLIMR data. The OBPG is an integrated team of scientists, software developers, and operations staff focused on end-to-end production of science data products from past, present, and future space based sensors.
The Ocean Biology Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC) is co-located with the OBPG and GLIMR SDS and distributes GLIMR science data and products acquired or produced by the SDS to support the Science Team and Project Science algorithm development and product evaluation. The DAAC also distributes the processing software (open source) and data analysis tools to support algorithm development and data exploitation.
The Image Navigation and Registration (INR) team is led by UNH with guidance and expertise from Kamel Engineering. The INR team is responsible for algorithm development to meet Line of Sight (LOS) knowledge of the GLIMR data products.