The goal of SeaBASS is to provide the opportunity for graduate students interested in pursuing careers in marine bioacoustics to develop a strong foundation of both marine animal biology and acoustics, foster technical communication across disciplines, and develop professional relationships within the field. SeaBASS gives students an opportunity to learn from experts who will discuss topics not often offered at universities due to the relatively small demand at any one institution.
Lecturers within the field of marine animal bioacoustics will provide half day seminars that describe fundamental aspects of underwater sound and marine animal behavior, summarize the present state of the field, identify current obstacles and challenges, and discuss important “hot topics” areas.
This program takes place bi-annually. The next program will be in person in summer 2026 at Syracuse University, NY.
Course Dates
Summer 2026
Course Location
In person; Syracuse University
Jennifer Miksis-Olds, Research Professor
Email: J.MiksisOlds@unh.edu
Phone: (603) 862-5147
Dr. Susan Parks, Professor
Email: SParks@syr.edu
Phone: (315) 443-4007
Course Topics
Each topic module will include an introductory lecture followed by group discussions or group projects to gain a more in-depth understanding of the issues. Structured social activities will also allow for students and research scientists to interact informally to develop lasting professional mentorships for guiding the next generation of marine bioacoustics scientists. Course topics include:
- Introduction to underwater sound
- Sound propagation
- Marine mammal biology and behavior
- Fisheries acoustics
- Fish behavior
- Hearing
- Effects of noise
- Echolocation
- Hot topic: Passive acoustic monitoring and signal processing
- Hot topic: Density estimation
Student attendance (room and board, based on double occupancy for students) will be funded from sponsor support. There is no registration fee. Full-time participation of all participants is required. Travel costs are the responsibility of the student, but travel assistance can be requested during the application process.
To be eligible for the program, students must:
- Have had a GPA 3.0 or higher during previous two years of study
- Be currently enrolled in a graduate program
- Submit a personal statement
Priority will be given to U.S. citizens.
- University of New Hampshire (UNH)
- Syracuse University (SU)
- Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM)
- US Navy
- International Quiet Ocean Experiment (IQOE)
- Office of Naval Research (ONR)
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
- Scientific Committee on Oceanics Research (SCOR)
- The Acoustical Society of America (ASA)
- The Monmouth University – Rockefeller University (MURU) Marine Science and Policy Inititaive
"An invaluable experience for any graduate student interested in marine bioacoustics - for not only the informational content, but also for the ability to connect with other students and researchers in the field. It has not only broadened my perspectives and basic foundational knowledge of bioacoustics, but has also introduced me to a group of peers that will become lifelong mentors, colleagues, and friends."
– Anonymous
"I am so happy that I took the SeaBASS course. The course was organized, informative and fun! The topics addressed were great and I feel like I have a thorough, broad understanding of different topics in acoustics. The structure of the course really facilitates interaction with other students and faculty which was nice. And I think it's great that the course is offered at no-cost to students."
– Anonymous
"SeaBASS was the best decision I've made thus far in my academic/professional career. Even though I learned some of the information already in my studies, it was great to hear from the top tier scientists and be able to ask them questions. The software practicals provided amazing hands on training that I know will be used in my future. It was also so great that this course provides educational materials but also incredible contacts. I have three follow up emails to write about future opportunities because of this course. That in itself makes this past week beyond worth it."
– Anonymous
"I found the course extremely informative and relaxed, the teachers were very approachable and I found it extremely interesting and useful to hear about their backgrounds in getting to where they are now."
– Anonymous
"The networking was invaluable and beyond helpful! It was a rare opportunity to collaborate and befriend other students in this specialized field."
– Anonymous
"The feeling of community was amazing. All of the presenters were so down to earth and approachable. All the attending students were incredibly nice and it was fantastic to be able to talk about research with others interested in sound."
– Anonymous
"The relationships I've made by far have been the best part about this course. The sponsors could be my potential future colleagues and that makes me so excited. I left a full time job to go back to school and pursue acoustics and going to this course has solidified this as a great choice."
– Anonymous
"Participating in the SeaBASS program as an instructor has allowed me to meet the next generation of marine bioacousticians. It's been personally and professionally rewarding to interact with my future colleagues and a great delight to run into former SeaBASS participants at scientific conferences, during job interviews, and in the field."
– Joe Warren (Stony Brook University) – SeaBASS Presetner 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016
"SeaBASS offers the opportunity for students and professionals interested in bioacoustics to interact with professionals in the field of bioacoustics. Beyond just learning the principles of bioacoustic research and applications of bioacoustic methods, students engage researchers on real-world concerns of the field: How do I get funding? Is a government, academic, or industry job right for me? How will emerging regulations affect my work in this field? SeaBASS is a one-week intensive course that is invaluable to up-and-coming professionals, and many attendees have made connections at SeaBASS that have been important to their career and academic advancement."
– Dorian Houser (National Marine Mammal Foundation)– SeaBASS Presenter 2012, 2016