Our Strategic Vision
The Center for Acoustics Research and Education (CARE) will be the nation's eminent program in basic and applied acoustic research and education. CARE will be a predominantly research-oriented entity, as the graduate certificates and potential future degrees associated with CARE will be conferred by the UNH Graduate School or Colleges (COLSA and CEPS). Growth achieved through a research-focused strategy will inherently extend to growth in education and outreach. As we grow our research portfolio through the hiring of new faculty, increase collaboration across UNH and regional programs, and increase networking with external partners, our capacity to leverage this research infrastructure to develop innovative educational programming will likewise grow. The CARE education portfolio will expand in the form of increased course offerings for both UNH resident students and those community members seeking continuing education and professional development options. New faculty will bring opportunities for graduate students in new research areas, and the increase in CARE and UNH visibility through research will also attract new students. CARE outreach will evolve alongside research and education to provide new and exciting opportunities for strengthening current collaborations and establishing new relationships between CARE, UNH, and regional academic, government, and industry partners. CARE will not only serve as a nexus for the interdisciplinary components encompassed across the field of acoustics, but will also be the catalyst for linking acoustics with other fields of research (e.g. genomics, policy, agriculture, energy) where the combination of acoustics and yet to be determined fields of research propel knowledge in new and transformative directions.
Our Mission
The mission of the Center of Acoustics Research and Education is to promote and facilitate research and educational opportunities in basic and applied acoustics related to national security, food security, energy, environment, and health; to cultivate a community that embraces and promotes the truly interdisciplinary nature of acoustics; to advance the field of acoustics through excellence in research; to provide educational opportunities for all components of the current and future acoustic-related workforce; and to be a recognized national expert where acoustics contributes to addressing societal needs.
Our Goals
The overall goals of CARE in defining its success include fiscal sustainability, growth (in students, faculty, staff, and capacity), a responsive infrastructure, and a world-class reputation.
- Become a recognized leader in basic and applied acoustics research and education.
- Facilitate growth in acoustic expertise by increasing CARE faculty, post-docs, graduate students, undergraduates, and underrepresented student groups.
- Offer formal educational programs in acoustics across the full spectrum of education levels.
- Promote the field of acoustics through UNH and regional outreach events.
- Engage the liberal arts community in celebrating the value and interdisciplinary nature of acoustics.
- Connect with Acoustical Society of America regional and student chapters; assess the need and benefits of forming a UNH or Northern New England chapter.
2020 CARE All-Hands Meeting
On September 22, 2020, CARE leadership hosted a virtual All-Hands Meeting to share the center's accomplishments over the past year, introduce new CARE faculty hires, and discuss the center's goals and direction for the upcoming year. Slides from this meeting are available to view.
View Slides from 2020 CARE All-Hands Meeting