
Oceanography M.S. '21
Sarah is currently a Staff Scientist/Chemist at NewFields specializing in sediment management and marine services and working to reduce impacts of contaminants in marine environments. She feels her UNH experience at sea for two weeks post graduation aboard the R/V Kilo Moana helped land her career.
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Environmental Sciences, Ocean Mapping M.S. '18
Cassie is currently a marine geologist leading a small team of mappers at the University of Texas in Austin. She loves having the time and space to deep dive into a project and work through all the geophysical analyses that she hasn't been able to do in previous positions. 
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Zoology M.S. '14
Helen studied the environmental influences on horseshoe crabs, did a fellowship in Washington DC working on marine policy issues at the federal level, worked in NYC for four years on coastal resilience issues, and is currently a graduate student at Northeastern working towards her Ph.D.
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Civil and Environmental Engineering Ph.D. '20
Eunsang is a Postdoctoral Research Scientist at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) and University of Maryland, College Park. He is currently working on developing model simulations to assess the benefits of a future satellite mission concept.
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Physics Ph.D. '15
Ian is currently a Senior Professional Staff Member at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory working on experimental space physics research, including magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling, energetic particle dynamics, and particle flight instrumentation and mission design. 
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Earth and Environmental Science Ph.D. '14
Chelsea is currently an Assistant Professor of Environmental Science at Springfield College in Springfield, MA. While her primary focus is teaching, she also engages in research through both collaborations with other institutions and on local projects involving Springfield College undergraduates. 
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Oceanography M.S. '21
Kerry is a Macroalgal Curator at Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences in Maine working with incubator-grown seaweed. She finds this work especially important in today's climate because seaweed aquaculture is up-and-coming as a viable solution for a sustainable and regenerative food source. 
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Biogeochemical Oceanography M.S. '22
I was eager to get involved in research, so at the end of my freshman year of undergrad, I ended up reaching out to Dr. Robert Letscher who, at the time, was new to UNH as well.
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Earth Sciences, Ocean Mapping M.S. '22
Erin is currently an independent contractor doing ocean mapping and GIS services. Most of her work is at sea, actively doing seafloor mapping, (i.e.; data acquisition and processing). She contracts to several different organizations, including the Exploration Vessel (E/V) Nautilus. 
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Oceanography Ph.D. '21
Hilary is currently a Marine Bioacoustician for the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management in their Center for Marine Acoustics. There she synthesizes and uses the collective information available about impacts of human-made noise on marine life to help shape best management practices and inform policy.
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Ocean Mapping GEBCO '14
Tomer is currently the head of mapping for SubMerge, a small company in the field of underwater technology and exploration specializing in superyacht and submersible expeditions in remote locations. He's also a director for the ocean mapping non-profit he helped start called Map the Gaps. 
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Earth System Sciences M.S. '16
Currently James is the Laboratory Manager for the Water Science and Engineering Laboratory at UW-Madison managing facility maintenance, renovation, lab spaces, research operations, safety and operations, instrumentation, and training in the Core for Advanced Water Analysis.
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