A headshot of Joe Souney, a research project engineer with the Earth Systems Research Center.

Joseph Souney Jr

Research Project Manager III
Phone: (603) 862-0591
Office: Earth Systems Research Center, Morse Hall Rm 236, Durham, NH 03824

Joe Souney is a Research Project Manager at the Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans and Space at the University of New Hampshire (UNH). He received his B.S. in Earth Sciences from UNH in 1998 and his M.S. in Earth Sciences: Geochemical Systems from UNH in 2000. Mr. Souney specializes in project management and is responsible for budgeting, planning, managing, supervision, Federal Government reporting, and execution of National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded projects. Mr. Souney also has strong skills in Drupal website development/maintenance and database management. He is currently the Science Director for the Science Management Office of the NSF Ice Core Facility, co-PI and Director of Digital Communications for the NSF Ice Drilling Program, PI for the Hercules Dome Ice Core project, and webmaster for the U.S. Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (US-SCAR). He was previously co-PI for the South Pole Ice Core project and managed the Science Coordination Office for the WAIS Divide Ice Core project.


  • M.S., Earth Sciences, University of New Hampshire
  • B.S., Geology/Earth Science, University of New Hampshire

Selected Publications

  • Cole-Dai, J., Ferris, D. G., Kennedy, J. A., Sigl, M., McConnell, J. R., Fudge, T. J., . . . Souney, J. M. (2021). Comprehensive Record of Volcanic Eruptions in the Holocene (11,000 years) From the WAIS Divide, Antarctica Ice Core. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 126(7). doi:10.1029/2020JD032855

  • Souney, J., Twickler, M., Aydin, M., Steig, E., Fudge, T. J., Street, L., . . . Hargreaves, G. (2021). Core handling, transportation and processing for the South Pole ice core (SPICEcore) project. ANNALS OF GLACIOLOGY, 62(84), 118-130. doi:10.1017/aog.2020.80

  • Johnson, J. A., Kuhl, T., Boeckmann, G., Gibson, C., Jetson, J., Meulemans, Z., . . . Souney, J. M. (2021). Drilling operations for the South Pole Ice Core (SPICEcore) project. ANNALS OF GLACIOLOGY, 62(84), 75-88. doi:10.1017/aog.2020.64

  • Winski, D. A., Fudge, T. J., Ferris, D. G., Osterberg, E. C., Fegyveresi, J. M., Cole-Dai, J., . . . McConnell, J. R. (2019). The SP19 chronology for the South Pole Ice Core - Part 1: volcanic matching and annual layer counting. CLIMATE OF THE PAST, 15(5), 1793-1808. doi:10.5194/cp-15-1793-2019

  • Buizert, C., Adrian, B., Ahn, J., Albert, M., Alley, R. B., Baggenstos, D., . . . Members, W. A. I. S. D. P. (2015). Precise interpolar phasing of abrupt climate change during the last ice age. NATURE, 520(7549), 661-U169. doi:10.1038/nature14401

  • Souney, J. M., Twickler, M. S., Hargreaves, G. M., Bencivengo, B. M., Kippenhan, M. J., Johnson, J. A., . . . Taylor, K. C. (2014). Core handling and processing for the WAIS Divide ice-core project. ANNALS OF GLACIOLOGY, 55(68), 15-26. doi:10.3189/2014AoG68A008

  • Mayewski, P. A., Maasch, K. A., White, J. W. C., Steig, E. J., Meyerson, E., Goodwin, I., . . . Kreutz, K. (2004). A 700 year record of Southern Hemisphere extratropical climate variability. ANNALS OF GLACIOLOGY, VOL 39, 2004, 39, 127-132. doi:10.3189/172756404781814249

  • Souney, J. M., Mayewski, P. A., Goodwin, I. D., Meeker, L. D., Morgan, V., Curran, M. A. J., . . . Palmer, A. S. (2002). A 700-year record of atmospheric circulation developed from the Law Dome ice core, East Antarctica. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 107(D22). doi:10.1029/2002JD002104

  • Palmer, A. S., van Ommen, T. D., Curran, M. A. J., Morgan, V., Souney, J. M., & Mayewski, P. A. (2001). High-precision dating of volcanic events - (AD 1301-1995) using ice cores from Law Dome, Antarctica. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 106(D22), 28089-28095. doi:10.1029/2001JD000330