Brian Calder, a professor in the EOS Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping.

Brian Calder

Phone: (603) 862-0526
Office: Center for Coastal & Ocean Mapping, Chase Ocean Engineering Lab, Durham, NH 03824

Courses Taught

  • ESCI 973: Seafloor Characterization
  • ESCI/OE 874: Seabed Mapping
  • OE 999: Doctoral Research


  • Ph.D., Image Analysis, Heriot-Watt University
  • M.S., Electronics Communications Eng, Heriot-Watt University

Selected Publications

  • Nada, T., Kastrisios, C., Calder, B., Ence, C., Greene, C., & Bethell, A. (2024). Towards automating the nautical chart generalization workflow. Geo-spatial Information Science, 1-26. doi:10.1080/10095020.2024.2366873

  • Calder, B. (2023). Design of a Wireless, Inexpensive Ocean of Things System for Volunteer Bathymetry. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 10(11), 9534-9543. doi:10.1109/jiot.2023.3234500

  • Elmore, P., Calder, B., Petry, F., Masetti, G., & Yager, R. (2023). Aggregation Methods Using Bathymetry Sources of Differing Subjective Reliabilities for Navigation Mapping. Marine Geodesy, 46(2), 99-128. doi:10.1080/01490419.2023.2166173

  • Lowell, K., & Calder, B. (2021). Extracting shallow-water bathymetry from lidar point clouds using pulse attribute data: merging density-based and machine learning approaches. MARINE GEODESY, 44(4), 259-286. doi:10.1080/01490419.2021.1925790

  • O'Heran, C., & Calder, B. (2021). Horizontal Calibration of Vessels with UASs. MARINE GEODESY, 44(2), 91-107. doi:10.1080/01490419.2021.1879330

  • Fonseca, L., Brown, C., Calder, B., Mayer, L., & Rzhanov, Y. (2009). Angular range analysis of acoustic themes from Stanton Banks Ireland: A link between visual interpretation and multibeam echosounder angular signatures. APPLIED ACOUSTICS, 70(10), 1298-1304. doi:10.1016/j.apacoust.2008.09.008

  • Gardner, J. V., Calder, B. R., Clarke, J. E. H., Mayer, L. A., Elston, G., & Rzhanov, Y. (2007). Drowned shelf-edge deltas, barrier islands and related features along the outer continental shelf north of the head of De Soto Canyon, NE Gulf of Mexico. GEOMORPHOLOGY, 89(3-4), 370-390. doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2007.01.005

  • Jakobsson, M., Gardner, J. V., Vogt, P. R., Mayer, L. A., Armstrong, A., Backman, J., . . . Kraft, B. (2005). Multibeam bathymetric and sediment profiler evidence for ice grounding on the Chukchi Borderland, Arctic Ocean. QUATERNARY RESEARCH, 63(2), 150-160. doi:10.1016/j.yqres.2004.12.004

  • Gardner, J. V., Dartnell, P., Mayer, L. A., Clarke, J. E. H., Calder, B. R., & Duffy, G. (2005). Shelf-edge deltas and drowned barrier-island complexes on the northwest Florida outer continental shelf. GEOMORPHOLOGY, 64(3-4), 133-166. doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2004.06.005

  • Calder, B. R., & Mayer, L. A. (2003). Automatic processing of high-rate, high-density multibeam echosounder data. GEOCHEMISTRY GEOPHYSICS GEOSYSTEMS, 4. doi:10.1029/2002GC000486

  • Most Cited Publications