Matt Plumlee completed his Ph.D. at UNH under Dr. Colin Ware. He is continuing his work on data visualization and human-computer interaction while working part-time as a researcher in the VisLab. His current project here is working on flow visualization.
Matt is also involved with the Computer Science Department at UNH as Director of the Programming Assistance Center, and instructor of two courses (Professional Ethics and Communication, and Introduction to C for Engineers).
Courses Taught
- CS 410C: Intro Scientific Programng/C
- CS 515: DataStruct&Intro/Algorithm Lab
- CS 518: Intro Software Engineering Lab
- CS 619: Intro O-O Design and Devel
- CS 671: Program Lang Concepts&Features
- CS 761: Program Lang Concepts&Features
- CS 761/861: Program Lang Concepts&Features
- CS 791: Senior Project I
- CS 792: Senior Project II
Selected Publications
Ware, C., & Plumlee, M. D. (2013). Designing a better weather display. INFORMATION VISUALIZATION, 12(3-4), 221-239. doi:10.1177/1473871612465214
Ware, C., & Plumlee, M. (2012). Designing a better weather display. In VISUALIZATION AND DATA ANALYSIS 2012 Vol. 8294. doi:10.1117/12.906213
Plumlee, M., Schwehr, K., Alexander, L., Sullivan, B., & Ware, C. (2009). GeoCoastPilot: A better way of organizing and displaying information in support of port familiarization. In 2013 OCEANS - San Diego (pp. 1-8). doi:10.23919/oceans.2009.5422138
Sullivan, B., Ware, C., & Plumlee, M. (2006). Predictive displays for survey vessels. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (pp. 2424-2428).
Plumlee, M. D., Plumlee, M. D., Ware, C., & Ware, C. (2006). Zooming versus multiple window interfaces: Cognitive costs of visual comparisons. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 13(2), 179-209. doi:10.1145/1165734.1165736
Ware, C., Arsenault, R., & Plumlee, M. (2006). Visualizing the underwater behavior of humpback whales. IEEE COMPUTER GRAPHICS AND APPLICATIONS, 26(4), 14-18. doi:10.1109/MCG.2006.93
Ware, C., & Plumlee, M. (2005). Chapter 29 3D Geovisualization and the Structure of Visual Space. In Exploring Geovisualization (pp. 567-576). doi:10.1016/b978-008044531-1/50447-4
Arsenault, R., Ware, C., Plumlee, M., Martin, S., Whitcomb, L. L., Wiley, D., . . . IEEE. (2004). A system for visualizing time varying oceanographic 3D data. In OCEANS '04 MTS/IEEE TECHNO-OCEAN '04, VOLS 1- 2, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, VOLS. 1-4 (pp. 743-747). Retrieved from
Plumlee, M., & Ware, C. (2003). An evaluation of methods for linking 3D views. In Proceedings of the Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics (pp. 193-201).
Ware, C., Plumlee, M., Arsenault, R., Mayer, L. A., Smith, S., House, D., . . . SOCIETY, M. T. (2001). GeoZui3D: Data fusion for interpreting oceanographic data. In OCEANS 2001 MTS/IEEE: AN OCEAN ODYSSEY, VOLS 1-4, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS (pp. 1960-1964). Retrieved from