After completing a Ph.D. in 2000 at the Department of Geological Sciences, Stockholm University, Martin Jakobsson joined CCOM as a research scientist. His doctoral thesis was titled, "Mapping the Arctic Ocean: Bathymetry and Pleistocene Paleoceanography." Martin returned to Stockholm University in April 2004 as an Associate Professor at the Department of Geological Sciences. In November 2004, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded him five years to devote full time for research as an Academy Fellow through support from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. He was promoted to full Professor of Marine Geology and Geophysics at Stockholm University in September 2009 and has served as Head of the Department of Geological Sciences since 2012. His current research interests include the Arctic Ocean glacial history, the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, submarine glacial landforms and geophysical seafloor mapping using acoustic methods. Martin has spent more than one year of ship time aboard open ocean research vessels and has been the Co-Chief Scientist on eight international ocean expeditions. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Class V for Geoscience elected Martin as a member in 2012, and he has served as the 1st Vice President of the Academy since 2016.