Color photo of employee.

Jonathan Niehof

Principal Research Project Manager
Phone: (603) 862-0649
Office: Space Science Center, Morse Hall, Durham, NH 03824
Pronouns: He/him/his


  • Ph.D., Astronomy, Boston University
  • M.A., Astronomy, Boston University
  • B.A., Physics, Calvin College
  • B.S., Computer Science, Calvin College

Selected Publications

  • Klein, K. G., Spence, H., Alexandrova, O., Argall, M., Arzamasskiy, L., Bookbinder, J., . . . Zweibel, E. (2023). HelioSwarm: A Multipoint, Multiscale Mission to Characterize Turbulence. Space Science Reviews, 219(8). doi:10.1007/s11214-023-01019-0

  • Pankratz, C., Strang, J., Niehof, J. T., Antunes, A., Vandegriff, J., Sandoval, L., . . . Walsh, B. (n.d.). Collaborative and Open-Source Science Data Systems. Bulletin of the AAS. doi:10.3847/25c2cfeb.1c21b704

  • Klein, K., Spence, H., Kunz, M., Arzamasskiy, L., Whittlesey, P., Chen, L. -J., . . . Stevens, M. (n.d.). HelioSwarm: A Multipoint, Multiscale Mission to Characterize Turbulence. Bulletin of the AAS. doi:10.3847/25c2cfeb.84e839d7

  • Larosa, A., Dudok de Wit, T., Krasnoselskikh, V., Bale, S. D., Agapitov, O., Bonnell, J., . . . Revillet, C. (2022). Langmuir-Slow Extraordinary Mode Magnetic Signature Observations with Parker Solar Probe. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 927(1). doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ac4e85

  • Desai, M. I., Mitchell, D. G., McComas, D. J., Drake, J. F., Phan, T., Szalay, J. R., . . . Horbury, T. S. (2022). Suprathermal Ion Energy Spectra and Anisotropies near the Heliospheric Current Sheet Crossing Observed by the Parker Solar Probe during Encounter 7. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 927(1). doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ac4961

  • Schwadron, N. A., Rahmanifard, F., Wilson, J., Jordan, A. P., Spence, H. E., Joyce, C. J., . . . Zeitlin, C. (2018). Update on the Worsening Particle Radiation Environment Observed by CRaTER and Implications for Future Human Deep-Space Exploration. SPACE WEATHER-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS, 16(3), 289-303. doi:10.1002/2017SW001803

  • Spence, H. E., Reeves, G. D., Baker, D. N., Blake, J. B., Bolton, M., Bourdarie, S., . . . Thorne, R. M. (2013). Science Goals and Overview of the Radiation Belt Storm Probes (RBSP) Energetic Particle, Composition, and Thermal Plasma (ECT) Suite on NASA's Van Allen Probes Mission. SPACE SCIENCE REVIEWS, 179(1-4), 311-336. doi:10.1007/s11214-013-0007-5

  • Funsten, H. O., Skoug, R. M., Guthrie, A. A., MacDonald, E. A., Baldonado, J. R., Harper, R. W., . . . Chen, J. (2013). Helium, Oxygen, Proton, and Electron (HOPE) Mass Spectrometer for the Radiation Belt Storm Probes Mission. SPACE SCIENCE REVIEWS, 179(1-4), 423-484. doi:10.1007/s11214-013-9968-7

  • Reeves, G. D., Spence, H. E., Henderson, M. G., Morley, S. K., Friedel, R. H. W., Funsten, H. O., . . . Niehof, J. T. (2013). Electron Acceleration in the Heart of the Van Allen Radiation Belts. SCIENCE, 341(6149), 991-994. doi:10.1126/science.1237743

  • Guikema, J., Miller, N., Niehof, J., Klein, M., & Walhout, M. (2000). Spontaneous pattern formation in an effectively one-dimensional dielectric-barrier discharge system. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 85(18), 3817-3820. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.85.3817

  • Most Cited Publications