A headshot of Fabian Kislat, an assistant professor in the EOS Space Science Center.

Fabian Kislat

Associate Professor
Phone: (603) 862-1537
Office: Physics, Demeritt Hall, Durham, NH 03824

I am an experimental astrophysicist with a strong passion for developing new instruments that will enable ground-breaking discoveries. My specialities are X-ray and gamma-ray polarimetry and spectroscopy, and applications to the observation of mass-accreting neutron stars and black holes. These objects are not only the brightest X-ray sources in our Galaxy, but also provide us with an opportunity to study the most extreme environments in the Universe.

I am the the PI of the SCOTTI project (Superconducting Titanium Imager), whose goal it is to build a balloon-borne hard X-ray telescope utilizing novel gamma-ray detectors using transition edge sensors. These cryogenic detectors will allow an unprecedented spectral resolution for soft gamma-rays. My dream is to one day build a hard X-ray space telescope with this kind of detector.

X-ray polarimetry promises insights into the geometry of astrophysical objects that are too small to be imaged by any telescope at any wavelength. I am the instrument scientist of the balloon-borne hard X-ray polarimeter X-Calibur. This instrument will measure the X-ray polarization of several Southern Hemisphere sources during its first long-duration balloon flight. A follow-up mission called XL-Calibur will make much more detailed measurements of several sources during multiple Southern and Northern hemisphere flights. I am also part of the science team of the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer, a NASA satellite mission that will explore the polarization of X-rays in the 2-8keV energy band, scheduled for launch in early 2021.

Finally, I like to use astrophysical observations to test fundamental laws of Physics. For example, I have written several papers using time-of-flight measurements of gamma-rays and various polarization measurements in the optical band to constrain violations of Lorentz invariance, the fundamental symmetry of Einstein's theory of Special Relativity.

Courses Taught

  • INCO 590: Rsrch Exp/Physics
  • PHYS 407: General Physics I
  • PHYS 704: Electricity and Magnetism II
  • PHYS 705/805: Experimental Physics II
  • PHYS 711/811: Astrophysics II
  • PHYS 797: Senior Design Project
  • PHYS 941: Electromagnetic Theory I
  • PHYS 942: Electromagnetic Theory II
  • PHYS 999: Doctoral Research


  • Ph.D., Physics, Humbolt University of Berlin (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
  • M.S., Humbolt University of Berlin (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)

Research Interests

  • Astrophysics
  • Cryogenics
  • Photodetectors & Optical Sensors
  • Radiosources, Infrared, X-ray, Gamma Ray

Selected Publications

  • Kislat, F., & Krawczynski, H. (2017). Planck-scale constraints on anisotropic Lorentz and CPT invariance violations from optical polarization measurements. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 95(8). doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.95.083013

  • Krawczynski, H. S., Stern, D., Harrison, F. A., Kislat, F. F., Zajczyk, A., Beilicke, M., . . . Zhang, W. W. (2016). X-ray polarimetry with the Polarization Spectroscopic Telescope Array (PolSTAR). ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS, 75, 8-28. doi:10.1016/j.astropartphys.2015.10.009

  • Kislat, F., Clark, B., Beilicke, M., & Krawczynski, H. (2015). Analyzing the data from X-ray polarimeters with Stokes parameters. ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS, 68, 45-51. doi:10.1016/j.astropartphys.2015.02.007