Color photo of Ben Chandran of the EOS Space Science Center.

Benjamin Chandran

Phone: (603) 862-2255
Office: Physics, Morse Hall Rm 242, Durham, NH 03824

Professor Chandran received his Ph.D. from Princeton University in 1997. His research is in the areas of theoretical plasma physics and theoretical astrophysics, particularly problems at the interface between these two fields. His main interests are plasma turbulence, the role of turbulence in the solar corona and other astrophysical settings, and the evolution of baryonic matter in clusters of galaxies. He has also worked on cosmic-ray propagation, particle acceleration at shocks, and the origin of astrophysical magnetic fields. His research program is supported by grants from NASA, NSF, and DOE, and offers research opportunities for undergraduates, graduate students, and postdoctoral scholars.

Courses Taught

  • PHYS 408: General Physics II
  • PHYS 944: Quantum Mechanics II
  • PHYS 999: Doctoral Research


  • Ph.D., Astrophysical Sciences, Princeton University
  • M.A., Astrophysical Sciences, Princeton University
  • B.A., Physics, Yale University
  • B.A., History, Yale University

Selected Publications

  • Huang 黄, Z. 泽., Velli, M., Shi 时, C. 辰., Zhu 朱, Y. 英., Chandran, B. D. G., Bowen, T., . . . Bale, S. D. (2024). Dominance of 2 Minute Oscillations near the Alfvén Surface. The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 977(1), L12. doi:10.3847/2041-8213/ad9271

  • Bowen, T. A., Vasko, I. Y., Bale, S. D., Chandran, B. D. G., Chasapis, A., Dudok de Wit, T., . . . Squire, J. (2024). Extended Cyclotron Resonant Heating of the Turbulent Solar Wind. The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 972(1), L8. doi:10.3847/2041-8213/ad6b2e

  • Bourouaine, S., Perez, J. C., Chandran, B. D. G., Jagarlamudi, V. K., Raouafi, N. E., & Halekas, J. S. (2024). On the Heating of the Slow Solar Wind by Imbalanced Alfvén-wave Turbulence from 0.06 to 1 au: Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter Observations. The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 967(2), L19. doi:10.3847/2041-8213/ad3805

  • Chandran, B. D. G., & Schekochihin, A. A. (2024). The gyrokinetic dispersion relation of microtearing modes in collisionless toroidal plasmas. Journal of Plasma Physics, 90(2). doi:10.1017/s0022377824000175

  • Klein, K. G., Spence, H., Alexandrova, O., Argall, M., Arzamasskiy, L., Bookbinder, J., . . . Zweibel, E. (2023). HelioSwarm: A Multipoint, Multiscale Mission to Characterize Turbulence. Space Science Reviews, 219(8). doi:10.1007/s11214-023-01019-0

  • Kasper, J. C., Bale, S. D., Belcher, J. W., Berthomier, M., Case, A. W., Chandran, B. D. G., . . . Schwadron, N. A. (2019). Alfvenic velocity spikes and rotational flows in the near-Sun solar wind. NATURE, 576(7786), 228-+. doi:10.1038/s41586-019-1813-z

  • Bale, S. D., Goetz, K., Harvey, P. R., Turin, P., Bonnell, J. W., Dudok de Wit, T., . . . Wygant, J. R. (2016). The FIELDS Instrument Suite for Solar Probe Plus. SPACE SCIENCE REVIEWS, 204(1-4), 49-82. doi:10.1007/s11214-016-0244-5

  • Kasper, J. C., Abiad, R., Austin, G., Balat-Pichelin, M., Bale, S. D., Belcher, J. W., . . . Zank, G. (2016). Solar Wind Electrons Alphas and Protons (SWEAP) Investigation: Design of the Solar Wind and Coronal Plasma Instrument Suite for Solar Probe Plus. SPACE SCIENCE REVIEWS, 204(1-4), 131-186. doi:10.1007/s11214-015-0206-3

  • Chandran, B. D. G., Li, B., Rogers, B. N., Quataert, E., & Germaschewski, K. (2010). PERPENDICULAR ION HEATING BY LOW-FREQUENCY ALFVEN-WAVE TURBULENCE IN THE SOLAR WIND. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 720(1), 503-515. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/720/1/503

  • Chandran, B. D. G., & Cowley, S. C. (1998). Thermal Conduction in a Tangled Magnetic Field. Physical Review Letters, 80(14), 3077-3080. doi:10.1103/physrevlett.80.3077

  • Most Cited Publications