Alex Young

Office: UNH Earth Systems Research Centers, Morse Hall, Durham, NH 03824
Pronouns: He/him/his


  • M.S., Forest/Forest Resources Mgmt, Ny State College of Forestry

Selected Publications

  • Young, A. R., Minocha, R., Long, S., Drake, J. E., & Yanai, R. D. (2023). Patterns of physical, chemical, and metabolic characteristics of sugar maple leaves with depth in the crown and in response to nitrogen and phosphorus addition.. Tree Physiol, 43(7), 1118-1129. doi:10.1093/treephys/tpad043

  • Yanai, R. D., Young, A. R., Campbell, J. L., Westfall, J. A., Barnett, C. J., Dillon, G. A., . . . Woodall, C. W. (2023). Measurement uncertainty in a national forest inventory: results from the northern region of the USA. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 53(3), 163-177. doi:10.1139/cjfr-2022-0062

  • Villella, J., Miller, J. E. D., Young, A. R., Carey, G., Emanuels, A., & Miller, W. R. (2020). Tardigrades in the Forest Canopy: Associations with Red Tree Vole Nests in Southwest Oregon. Northwest Science, 94(1), 24. doi:10.3955/046.094.0102

  • Young, A. R., Miller, J. E. D., Villella, J., Carey, G., & Miller, W. R. (n.d.). Epiphyte type and sampling height impact mesofauna communities in Douglas-fir trees. PeerJ, 6, e5699. doi:10.7717/peerj.5699

  • YOUNG, A., CHAPPELL, B., MILLER, W., & LOWMAN, M. (n.d.). Tardigrades of the Tree Canopy: Milnesium swansoni sp. nov. (Eutardigrada: Apochela: Milnesiidae) a new species from Kansas, U.S.A.. Zootaxa, 4072(5). doi:10.11646/zootaxa.4072.5.3