Science Goals & Objectives

Black square graphic illustrating colored cube.


HelioSwarm science is tightly aligned with NAS 2013 Heliophysics Decadal Survey and NASA SMD Priorities: Turbulence identified as a Decadal Science Goal ("Understand the origins and effects of turbulence") and a Decadal Imperative ("Implement…a multispacecraft mission to address cross-scale plasma physics").

Goal #1

Reveal the 3D spatial structure and dynamics of turbulence in a weakly collisional plasma

  • Reveal how turbulent energy is transferred in most probable, undisturbed solar wind plasma and distributed as a function of scale and time
  • Reveal how turbulent cascade of energy varies with background magnetic field and plasma parameters in different environments
  • Quantify transfer of turbulent energy between fields, flows, and protons
  • Identify thermodynamic impacts of intermittent structures on proton distributions

Goal #2

Ascertain the mutual impact of turbulence near boundaries and large-scale structures

  • Determine how solar wind turbulence affects and is affected by large-scale structures
  • Determine how strongly driven turbulence in the foreshock, magnetosheath, and magnetosphere differs from that in the undisturbed solar wind.

HelioSwarm's first-ever simultaneous multipoint, multiscale measurements disentangle spatial and temporal variations in solar wind plasmas that connect MHD scale turbulence with sub-ion scale heating.