
Current Active Grants

  • How are Magnetospheric Field and Plasmas Impacted by Impulsive Changes in Interplanetary Parameters?, NASA Living With a Star (LWS) Targeted Research and Technology,  80NSSC20K0197, 2020-2023, PI: Noé Lugaz, Co-I: Charles Farrugia
    Focus: To understand the response of the magnetosheath and coupled magnetosphere-ionospheric system to specific interplanetary discontinuities and shocks, with a focus on solar cycle 24.
  • The Radial Expansion of Coronal Mass Ejections: Combined Views from Remote and In situ Observations, NASA Heliophysics Guest Investigator,  80NSSC20K0700, 2020-2023, PI: Noé Lugaz, Co-Is:  Charles Farrugia, Réka Winslow
    Focus: To determine what drives CME radial expansion, how and why does it vary with distance and from one CME to another, and how these differences affect the resulting signatures measured near 1 AU.
  • Physical Origins of Suprathermal Ion Populations Throughout the Heliosphere, NASA Grand Challenge Research, 80NSSC17K0009, 2017-2022 (NCE), PI: Noé Lugaz
    Focus: To determine the origin of suprathermal ion distributions and the physical processes that create them.
  • Successive coronal mass ejections and associated solar energetic particles, NASA Heliophysics Supporting Research,  80NSSC19K0831, 2019-2022, PI: Noé Lugaz, Co-I; Gang Li, University of Alabama
    Focus: To identify the configurations favorable for SEP acceleration by series of CMEs and understand the physical processes that lead to the particle acceleration and release.
  • Successive coronal mass ejections and associated solar energetic particles, NASA Heliophysics Guest Investigator,  80NSSC19K0831, 2019-2022, PI: Noé Lugaz, Co-I; Gang Li, University of Alabama
    Focus: To identify the configurations favorable for SEP acceleration by series of CMEs and understand the physical processes that lead to the particle acceleration and release.
  • Evolution and interaction of transients in the inner heliosphere and their effects on galactic cosmic rays, NASA Heliophysics Early Career Award, 80NSSC19K0914, 2019-2024, PI: Réka Winslow.
  • Investigating the Structure of Coronal Magnetic Eruptions Through Comprehensive Data Analysis, NASA Heliophysics Early Career Award, 80NSSC19K0914, 2021-2025, PI: Nada AlHaddad.
    Focus: Studying the contribution of both plasma and magnetic and magnetic field measurements to the change of  CMEs structure.
  • Understanding the Intrinsic Structure and Evolution of Coronal Mass Ejections,  NASA Parker Solar Probe Guest Investigators,  80NSSC22K0349, 2021-2024, Co-I: Nada AlHaddad.
    Focus: Understanding the structure of CMEs through multi spacecraft measurements and modeling.
  • Improving Models to Better Represent the Complex Structure of Coronal Mass Ejections, NSF Solar-Terrestrial,  1954983, 2021-2023, PI: Nada AlHaddad.
    Focus: Improving excisting fitting techniques through incorporating physical evolutionary properties observed in CMEs.
  • EAGER: Developing an Ab initio Model of CMEs Incorporating All Forms of Helicity, NSF Solar-Terrestrial, 2027322, 2020-2021, PI: Nada AlHaddad.
    Focus: Studying the dynamic change of CMEs' magnetic field throughout evolution.
  • Student Collaboration of the Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe: Phases B to F, NASA Science Mission Directorate,  80NSSC20K1110, 2020-2023, PI: Noé Lugaz
    Focus: To develop hands-on research experience for students through a collaborative hardware program involving three universities that results in students designing, building, testing, calibrating and delivering to NASA for launch at least one CubeSat with at least one student-built instrument.

Past Grants:

  • Multi-spacecraft observational study and MHD modeling of ICMEs observed in conjunction, NSF/SHINE AGS1622352, $360,000, 2016 – 2019, PI: Réka Winslow.
  • Characterizing the Influence of ICMEs at Mercury using MESSENGER observations, NASA/DDAP NNX15AW31G, 2015 – 2017, UNH PI: Réka Winslow.
  • Physical Origins of Suprathermal Ion Populations Throughout the Heliosphere, NASA/HGCR 80NSSC17K0009,  2017 – 2020,  PI: N. Lugaz (UNH), Co-I: Réka Winslow.