Welcome to AEON's Data Portal. The AEON network concentrates all observation assets in the Gulf of Maine and totals 5 observation nodes. Node locations are determined based on an in-depth analysis of current regional assets and collaborations, bathymetry and associated sound propagation models, location historical and predicted oceanographic features, and ecosystem relevance.
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What is considered "RAW" data. When data is collected by the various instruments used for measurements, the “raw” data that is obtained is considered “Level 0”. Level 0 data is unprocessed instrument-specific or instrument-proprietary binary machine language data that is often unreadable by humans, some software, and common analysis packages. To be useful for science and archiving, machine-data must be processed to what is considered “Level 1” raw data. That is, raw data that can be archived in non-proprietary, non-instrument specific (open) file formats that facilitate long-term data storage and curation. Data generated during this project will in general, be processed, if necessary, into ASCII, .csv, or .pdf format.
The cruise reports provided below include ancillary data collected during each cruise to adequately address the question of temporal and spatial data correlation for both the active and passive datasets. The reports also provide location and time of instrument deployments and recoveries. Please click on the links below to see reports. Timing of data harvests go by deployment cruises. E.g. instruments deployed in the first deployment are harvested during the second deployment cruise. Therefore if deployed Feb 2021 and harvested July 2021, the data sampling was 5 months. All data except for FSAS and CTD are collected by instruments attached to the JASCO ALTO lander seated on the ocean floor at selected sites of the AEON network.
- First Deployment: Feb 2021 Beast initial deployment Cruise
- Second Deployment: July 2021 Beast 6mos service Cruise
- Third Deployment: Jan 2022 Warren Jr. Cruise
- Fourth Deployment: Feb 2023 Warren Jr. Cruise
- Fifth Deployment: March & April 2024 R/V Connecticut Cruise
Deployment Files provide metadata that describes where and when instruments were deployed and recovered. Site location, AMAR type/model, and duty cycles/ hertz. This location and time data can be tied to the VEMCO fish tag loggers, AZFPs, WBATs, and CTO-DO datasets as these instrument are attached to the same ALTO Lander that holds the AMAR passive sensor. - Click Here to see Deployment Files
Data Availability Details
AMAR data will be available from https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/maps/passive-acoustic-data/ select AEON as the project to see a map linking to the data.
Datasets on UNH server as of August 2024 (third deployment).
Datasets are shown below by collection site and then deployment/recovery dates. Click each one to get data. Please note, AZFP data was only collected at sites 2, 3, and 4. For sites 1 and 5 please see WBAT data.
Datasets are shown below by collection site and then deployment/recovery dates. Click each one to get data. Please note, WBAT data was only collected at sites 1 and 5. For sites 2, 3, and 4 please see AZFP data.
FSAS and CTD Data
Datasets in this collection are shown below by the date measurements were performed and the collection site(s). See cruise reports for how and when these data were collected. Click the link to get data.
Get AEON FSAS and CTD data collection.
CTO-DO Raw Data
This data is collected by a Seabird SBE-37 Conductivity, Temperature, Dissolved-Oxygen instrument attached to the JASCO ALTO ocean bottom lander.
VEMCO Fish Tag Logger Raw Data
This data is collected by a VEMCO VR2W Fish Tag Logger attached to the JASCO ALTO ocean bottom lander.